Celebrating 40 years: Houston Chapter of Charms, Inc.

On Sunday, Novemver 15, the Houston Chapter of Charms incorporate celebrated 40 years. The celebration was at the home of Charm Helen Cashaw. The Chapetr invited friends, family and former Charm members to help celebrate this milestone.

Savannah Charms Adopt-A-Street with the City of Savannah

Savannah Charms has joined with the City of Savannah, the Savannah Morning News and other local organizations to launch the first comprehensive citywide public-private collaboration to fight litter in the community. Savannah Charms adobted a block to help keep Savannah beautiful. The Adopt-A-Block engages thousands of neighbors to reduce litter, combat graffiti, tackle high weeds […]

Annual Luncheon and Fashion Show | Washington DC Chapter of Charms, Inc.

Pictured above is one of the centerpieces for the Washington, DC Chapter of Charms, Inc. Annual Luncheon and Fashion Show which began in 2007. This is a fun-filled, well attended event by which we raise funds to support the following philanthropic efforts: Adopt a Family, Adopt a Son in Africa, Alzheimer’s, Breast Cancer and Heart […]